Matrimonial assets (money on bank accounts, furniture, vehicles, former matrimonial home) and debts (rent areas, taxes due, short fall of mortgage) will be dealt with separately from the divorce proceeding. If there is no agreement on liquidation of matrimonial assets between spouses the dispute will be settled by a Judge. In a mutual consent divorce […]
Which Judge has jurisdiction in trans European divorce cases?
All domestic litigation depends on the jurisdiction of the “Juge aux affaires familiales”. In each French “Département” (French administrative division more or less equivalent to a British county), there are generally one or two Court, grouping several “Juges” specialised in domestic issues. If both spouses live in France, it is the Judge closest to the […]
How long does a divorce procedure last?
The average duration of a divorce is about 12 month. Duration will strongly vary depending on: the location of the Court (outcome tends to be more rapid in small rural courts) ; if it is a mutual consent divorce or a more disputed type of divorce (the less contentious the divorce the shorter the procedure). […]
Eviction penalty paid by landlord after termination of French commercial lease
Under French law, a landlord must rent a commercial premise (a shop, a factory, a restaurant), under a commercial lease (“BAIL COMMERCIAL”); for a minimum mandatory duration of 9 year. When the lease reaches this 9 year term, the tenant is entitled to continue the contract. If the landlord wishes to repossess the property an […]